Cast of Characters

Perficious Eats - Mommy on the lookout for the tasty bite no matter where we live

Mister Obvious - Mountain biking Daddy who makes ice cream, roasts his own coffee beans, and eats everything in sight

Sweet Pea - 12-year old girl who loves reading, math games, tennis and hiking

Little Man - 10-year old who can't get enough biking, running, and laughing
Showing posts with label chinese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chinese. Show all posts

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Asian Delights!

Big changes for us - Dr. Obvious has become a civilian and now we're living in the Los Angeles area in San Gabriel Valley near Pasadena.  For the first time in our lives, we're close to an abundance of Asian grocery stores, bakeries, cafes and restaurants.  We love exploring the new delicacies and seeing what treats abound.
Baby Octopus!
Little Man saw these baby octopi at 99 Ranch and exclaimed, "Let's get that!  Pleeeease?!"  My reply (naturally), "You know that you're going to have to eat that, right?"  "Yes, yes, I know.  Come on, Mommy!"  Well, we bought the little guys.  I sliced them open and took out their glands or stomach sacks or whatever those things are that are lodged in their "heads."  Wow, those octopi smell STRONG.  My hands reeked like I'd been on a fishing boat for 5 days.  That smell, by the way, does not wash off easily.

So was all the effort worth it?  The smell?  Um, no.  We love squid and scallops.  These, however, were tough and didn't really taste delicious.  But everyone in the family ate them and we chalked it up as a fun adventure.

Rambutan or Dr Seuss Tree Fruit

Speaking of new adventures, Sweet Pea has a new favorite fruit these days.  They're known as rambutan.  The Chinese call them "Hong Mo Dan" which translates to "Red Hairy Fruit."  We like them better than lychee because they're not as cloying and somehow taste more refreshing.  Little Man named them Dr Seuss Tree Fruit which made us all giggle whenever we ate them after dinner.

Sunday 7 March 2010

Potstickers - The Perfect Oscar Party Starters!

Let's face it, the powers-that-be are not predicting too many surprises this year for the Academy Awards.  For your Oscar pool, you are choosing between "Avatar" and "The Hurt Locker," and the accolades for actors supposedly will go to everyone who snagged the Golden Globes.  So, how to make your Oscar Party exciting?  Fabulous cocktails, obviously. appetizers!

Potstickers are one of those great little wonders that everyone loves.  If your guests do not eat meat, fill the little gyoza wrappers with grated veggies instead.  You are only limited by your imagination.  If it sounds like it would taste good fried in a crunchy wrapper, then it probably will!  Throw it in and see what happens.

2 lb ground pork (ground turkey is fine)
3-4 cups shredded cabbage (I like to buy the pre-shredded cole-slaw cabbage to cut down prep time)
3-4 green onions, minced
2 Tablespoons freshly grated ginger
1 package of medium tofu (medium firm is fine)
1 egg
3 Tablespoons soy sauce
3 Tablespoons sesame oil
2-3 packages gyoza wrappers (won ton wrappers are too thin for these dumplings)

You will also need:
2 large cookie sheets/baking trays/platters lined with wax paper or parchment paper
1 small bowl filled with water
1 damp paper towel or kitchen towel
1 large, heavy frying pan with a tight cover (a glass cover makes frying the dumplings easier)
1 small bowl filled with water for frying

Place all ingredients except for the wrappers into a large bowl.  Mix together with your hands or a large wooden spoon until everything is incorporated together.

Gather together your other materials at a table where you can spread everything out and sit comfortably.  Take one wrapper and put a rounded tablespoon of filling onto one side.  Dip a finger into the small bowl of water and brush your wet finger at the edge of half of the wrapper (Do not go all the way around the whole wrapper, just make a half-circle).  Fold the wrapper into a half-moon shape, using the water you brushed on to act as an adhesive and close the dumpling into a half-moon shape.  (A lot of people pleat the top skin to make a pretty fan, but I really can't be bothered with such nonsense when I'm making a bazillion little dumplings).

After you've made one dumpling, lay it on the lined tray and repeat until you're out of filling.

If you would like to eat the dumplings immediately, begin the frying process, or keep the dumplings in the refrigerator/freezer until ready.  (Make sure your dumplings are in a single layer so that they don't stick together).

To fry, heat a few tablespoons of canola oil in the frying pan over medium high heat.  Place the dumplings onto the pan in a single layer, arranging them in rows.  Once the bottom of the dumplings are slightly cooked but before they turn golden, pour about 1/3 to ½ cup of cold water over the dumplings, making sure that all tops of the dumplings are moistened.  Cover the pan and cook until the dumplings are transparent.  Remove the dumplings from the pan onto a serving platter, fried side up.  Serve with Potsticker Sauce.

Note:  Major Obvious likes his potstickers fried and crunchy on both sides, so after the potstickers are transparent, I will lift the cover, flip the potstickers with wooden chopsticks, and let them crisp up on the other side.  The traditional way to eat them, however, is crunchy on one side and soft on the other.  The choice is yours!

Potsticker Sauce
1 bottle soy sauce
1 bottle sesame oil
1 bottle hot chili oil

Give your guests their own little sauce dishes and encourage them to make their own potsticker sauce to their own liking, by mixing the soy sauce, sesame oil and hot chili oil.  (Some guests may choose to forgo the hot chili oil altogether).

I like to make a big, big batch of these and freeze them for convenience food at later times.  To do so, place your tray of potstickers in the freezer.  Once frozen, place the potstickers in a large, labelled freezer storage bag.  Potstickers will keep for 6 weeks.