Cast of Characters

Perficious Eats - Mommy on the lookout for the tasty bite no matter where we live

Mister Obvious - Mountain biking Daddy who makes ice cream, roasts his own coffee beans, and eats everything in sight

Sweet Pea - 12-year old girl who loves reading, math games, tennis and hiking

Little Man - 10-year old who can't get enough biking, running, and laughing

Monday 18 July 2011

More Relocation and Chocolate - Whole Wheat Brownies

A fun aspect about moving is that one uncovers things that she didn't know she had.  I managed to find a few back issues of Martha Stewart's Everyday Food as I was organizing my cookbooks.  After thumbing through them, I came across this recipe for Whole Wheat Brownies.  "Hmmm...this looks like the perfect way to break into that enormous 500 gram chocolate bar I bought last week!"

The recipe offers many reasons to pause.  Whole wheat flour?  Applesauce?  Less than 1 stick of butter?  What kind of brownies are these going to be, anyway?  Well, it turns out that they're actually really yummy!  They're moist and fluffy.  Though they're not super fudgy in texture, the chocolate flavor really sings out.  I even skipped the chocolate chunks on top that the recipe includes because I do not particularly enjoy chocolate chips in brownies, and the delights were still chocolate-y enough!  Now I can serve them to my kids and enjoy the fact that there's some whole grain goodness in there.  Yes, that's right, I made them because of the kids.  Naturally I had to try them first to make sure that they passed muster...

Friday 15 July 2011

Relocation...and Chocolate!

So Perficious Eats has relocated!  Yes, our tour in the United Kingdom was up, so now we're in San Diego.  Sorry I won't be able to provide you the scoop on as many European delights as before, but I am determined to uncover all of the delicious treats that San Diego has to offer.  As a Southern California native we naturally had to reacquaint ourselves with the usual spots like In N Out and Din Tai Fung, but surely there are other treasures to discover!

One such place is Chuao, a San Diego-based chocolate piece of heaven owned by Venezuelan-born brothers Michael and Richard Antonorsi.  This shop sells delicious chocolates (truffles, hot chocolate powders, potato chips, you name it) along with coffee and gelato.  You can even get affogato, that awesome combination of espresso and gelato together.  The coffee and gelato are both locally-sourced from San Diegan vendors.  The staff who work there are extremely friendly and eager to sell you their products.  Why do I have a feeling that I will be going there all the time?  They need to have some kind of Chocoholic Card for frequent shoppers like myself.